How To Ride In A Group

great park

(From TMWC FB Group Discussion)

Gabriel sent me a question about tonight’s crit – should he go and what should he do during the ride.  Dave and Ryan and the rest of ya feel free to jump in here:

Gabe it’s a great idea. I’ll be down there early. Warm up with me… in the meantime here are some basics to consider:

Always keep your fingers looped around the bars – thumb and forefinger should be touching in case you hit an unseen bump (learned this from the great Nelson Vails)

Never overlap wheels (learned from Experience)

Never stop pedaling – apply your brakes when needed but never, ever stop pedaling and slam on your brakes at the same time (learned from the legend Bob Bills).

Be vigilant – trust no one to be thinking or caring about you -> IQ decreases as race duration and speed increases.

Pay attention to wind direction – take your pulls when it’s time then get some shelter and rest.

… and remember, it’s supposed to be fun, so have fun!