IMAGINE A RIDE THAT FEATURES all the beauty and wonder of Southern California.  The beaches, the shaded prairies, the tall forests with ski runs...

... covering all of it in a single day.

Oh, and almost no traffic.

Impossible you say.


100% possible.

It took us years to scout it.

Here are some pics from 2023... route below.

Here's the route:

It's 120 miles, 15000' of climbing.

We start at Doheny State Beach and wind up in Big Bear, refueling at convenience stores and restaurants along the way.

It's almost all dirt most to Corona, then a 35-mile bike trail across the Inland Empire.  At the bottom of the mountains, we jump on an abandoned logging road, and it's nearly all dirt to the top, and down into Big Bear.


Insanely epic.

Are you game for the ride of the year?

Click here:


Some of the FAQ's from a Zoom call yesterday.


      1.    Where to stay Friday Night?  Dinner plans?  Stay as close as you can to Dana Point, where we start… it’s only a few minutes drive to my house.  We’ll have dinner at my place and go over last minute specifics.

      2.    Ride start time?  Official Start is 6am, I highly recommend slower riders leave earlier to make sure we all get to Colton at the same time for the flat 35 miles across the Inland Empire – much easier in a group.

      3.    Where can we store bags? My van… Susie will drive it to Big Bear.

      4.    Confirm - unsupported?  Any plan B options for repairs, crashes, etc.? It’s self-supported, be prepared.

            a. Anyone we can hire to assist?  Is there a way to transport overnight bag? Susie will drive it to Big Bear.

      5.    Big Bear

            a. Anyone staying the night?  TBD on this.

            b. Transporation back to Orange County?  TBD on this.  Some ride back, some Uber back.  We need a final head count.

      5.    Snow blocking trails? Currently yes, but it’s getting warmer and it’s a south facing climb, we should be fine.


      1.    How many people are coming and their capabilities?  Unknown, people always commit and don’t show, others never commit and just show up.

            a. We are locomotives not goats:).  Likelihood of creating riding groups of different speeds (any forecasted pacing / finish times)? For sure start early, and KNOW HOW TO UPLOAD A ROUTE to your device.  Any regrouping points?  One for sure, in Colton at a convenience store… depending on pace, we might all meet up at Seven Oaks restaurant about 1/3 up the climb… some of us will do some extra climbing and single track at end of 35 mile bike trail, others will go straight to the climb, which is why we might end up there at roughly same time.


      1.    Where are the nutrition and water stops? ONeil Park is about 2 hours in, a campground with water and bathrooms.  Do NOT dillydally at any stops.  Next stop is Colton, about 4 hours away.  These are my estimates for your speed.

      2.    Water stops on the final climb or is two bottles sufficient? At Seven Oaks restaurant, we can get water, soda, hamburgers, fries… depending on heat, 2-3 bottles.  My bike holds 3.

      3.    Nutrition recommendations? 300-400 calories per hour.  Whatever you like and sits well in your stomach. I like CarboRocket, 333 calories/bottle.


      1.    Tire recommendation? I am running Continental Terra Speed 45s, with 32lbs in the rear, 28 in the front.  Lots and lots of sealant before we roll. 

  What are the gravel sections like? Pretty nice, a little more rutted from rain run-off, but totally 100% ridable and fun.  There’s a little single track where trail is currently flooded close to the start.

      2.    Other gear that would be helpful (e.g. hydration pack, lights). Lights for sure, early start, and maybe a late finish.  Be able to carry 3 large bottles worth of water. Get a BLACK  mosquito net, bugs can be nasty… we learned the hard way that the white nets reflect light which was blinding as the sun was setting.

                3.            Clothing recommendations?  (Temp change to expect)?  May is a tricky month, I’ll carry my KOM Jacket which is great for wind and water and small enough to go in my Barrito Bag … my bike will have a Barrito for the KOM jacket, and food and drink mix supplies in my Day Ripper bag.  Only other item I’d carry would be arm warmers… but highly unlikely we’ll need them.  My Wahoo died 30 minutes from the top… bring a battery booster.


7.5ish hrs Sleep
Pushups and Pullups
20 minutes recovery 
120 minutes reading + Journaling